"它把其它所有曾经存在过的AI扑克工具都完完全全地击溃了。"- Stephen Cesaro, USA
"PokerSnowie提醒我获胜的一个关键点就在于保持所有对手时刻猜忌。"- Andy Sinha
"扑克培训刚刚提升了一个水准...到达了最高水准。"- The Poker Capitalist, USA
"玩家所需要做的最低要求就是获得这个软件,因为如果他们不这么做那么他们的对手就会这么做。"- Carl "The Dean" Sampson, UK
"即使和世界级的玩家相比,它玩得已经非常强力了。在未来,PokerSnowie只会变得更强。"- Ed Miller, Poker's 1%: The One Big Secret That Keeps Elite Players On Top
PokerSnowie 适合所有玩家。我们花费多年时间开发的人工智能已经积累了丰富的经验,

May 28, 2022
We are finally ready to go with our new Preflop Advisor PRO for iPhone. More settings and new features, to provide you a powerful tool to explore the preflop area.
May 25, 2022
PokerSnowie 4 for Windows has been released, and this is the right time to outline some of the key improvements we have been working on lately.